Technology Services
How Technology Services Supports Accessibility
Victor E. wants you to know about Accessibility!

Areas We Cover
- Accessibility Campus Awareness
- Web and Mobile Services
- Procurement
- Training and Resources
What is Your Role to Support Accessibility?
Everyone plays a part in ensuring Fresno State offers an effective 508 Program. Click on the role that best describes you to see how you can make a difference.
Faculty and creators of online content:
- Learn to create accessible documents, videos, and online courses; consider accessibility to benefit all students; think accessible first!
Web developers:
- Develop accessible websites (follow WCAG 2.0), use WCAG 2.0 checklists and compliance checkers, assist webpage administrators with accessible templates, and include a link in the footer to a webpage containing information about accessibility
Choosers of software, apps, and online modules:
- Remember to consider access, don’t take a vendors’ word for accessibility—ask them to demonstrate how to use their product without a mouse, tabbing from field to field; always ask about captions on videos, etc.
Purchasers of technology and other products:
- Follow Section 508 purchasing guidelines, check for accessibility, ask vendors to demonstrate software without a mouse, consider whether or not the technology can be accommodated effectively
- Instructional support staff:
- Provide training/support for faculty on how to create accessible course materials
- Learn about the ADA and Section 508; assess current efforts toward accessibility including off-campus and distance education courses and programs; develop ADA Transition Plans including timelines and persons responsible for activities; complete internal program reviews using the AHEAD model with outside assistance if needed; ensure that staff & faculty have the training and resources they need; ensure connectivity for students, including Veterans who opt out using Disability Services, and how to access services; include disability services in planning and resources
Disability services:
- Determine accommodations to meet individual student’s needs, respond to campus questions about access and accommodations, and recommend auxiliary aids and services when needed