Technology Services
Accessibility Training
A wide spectrum of accessibility training is now being offered for faculty, staff, and students by the Office of Digital Accessibility (ODA), along with Web Services.
The Office of Digital Accessibility pleased to offer quick and easy training sessions
on a variety of accessibility subjects. If there is a training you would like to see
in the near future, please email with your suggestions.
With two notable exceptions, no registration is required to attend. We do require that all attendees sign into their Fresno State Zoom accounts (email username and password) when attending. Click on the Zoom link on the day of the training and a moderator will allow access once training starts at the appointed time.
The Accessible Digital Documents and Advanced Accessible PDF Form training do require registration. You will find the registration link in the classroom description.
You may also visit the ODA Google Calendar to see future online and in-person training we are offering for Spring 2025.
Introduction to Digital Accessibility at Fresno State
A wide-ranging talk on all the available digital accessibility resources at Fresno State. The talk covers "Why is digital accessibility important?", key offices and resources, and what are some tools available now. There will be an open discussion on the needs of our campus and potential future training sessions.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: January 23rd at 10 AM; January 30th at 10 AM
Length: 50 mins
Accessibility and Zoom
Zoom is used for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across multiple platforms. Join Lars Newlander and Mike Harding as they discuss how to use Zoom for accessibility in an educational environment.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding and Lars Newlander
When: February 6th at 10 AM
Length: 60 mins
Creating Accessible Emails
Email is a vital communication tool, so it’s important to avoid accessibility barriers that might prevent someone from viewing or understanding the message. Join ODA for specialized training on making your email messages more accessible.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: February 13th at 10 AM; May 1st at 10 AM
Length: 60 mins
GrackleDocs is an add-on to the Google Suite of programs (Google Docs and Google Slides). GrackleDocs will test and help remediate Google content to work well with screen reader software and other assistive technology while producing better-structured documents overall.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: February 20th at 10 AM
Length: 45 mins
Understanding Color Use For Accessibility
There are persons with visual impairments who interpret color and color contrast differently. Such impairments make it difficult or impossible for the to access information communicated only by color. Join the Office of Digital Accessibility as they walk you through key accessibility practices, guidelines, laws, and tools to ensure the accessible use of color.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: February 27th at 10 AM; April 24th at 10 AM
Length: 60 mins
Video Captioning Formatting
Captioning your videos helps promote an equitable environment online. Learn proper formatting for your Fresno State videos. Learn about YouTube Studio and other Fresno State tools for captioning.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: March 6th at 10 AM
Length: 90 mins
Accessible Social Media
Join the Office of Digital Accessibility as they guide you through creating accessible content for your Fresno State social media accounts.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: March 13th at 10 AM
Length: 60 mins
Intro to Accessible PDF Forms
Learn how to create accessible PDF forms using Adobe Acrobat easily.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: March 20th at 10 AM; May 8th at 10 AM
Length: 60 - 70 mins
Advanced Accessible PDF Forms
A follow-up session to Introduction to Adobe Acrobat Forms, attendees will learn advanced formatting tips for designing accessible forms. Registration is required for this training.
Where to register: Training Sign Up (Google Form)
Instructor(s): Teira Wilson
When: March 27th at 10 AM; May 15th at 10 AM
Length: 120 mins
Video Accessibility and YouTube Studio
Learn the best practices for creating and uploading your videos for accessibility, captioning, and transcription.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: April 3rd at 10 AM
Length: 60 mins
Understanding Section 508 and WCAG for Web Accessibility
This classroom provides an overview of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) – the internationally recognized standards for making web content accessible to people with disabilities. This interactive classroom will help attendees gain a foundational understanding of web accessibility principles and best practices.
Where: ODA Zoom Room (no registration required)
Instructor(s): Mike Harding
When: April 10th at 10 AM
Length: 75 mins
Digital Document Accessibility Training for Spring 2025
Technology Services is now offering Digital Document Accessibility Training. This 90 minute training is offered on Zoom. The Office of Digital Accessibility (ODA) will provide an understanding of digital document accessibility fundamentals. An exercise will be provided at the end of the training to verify knowledge of the tools and skills learned. Attending this training is required to maintain access to the documents folder on the OMNI CMS platform.
Link to Digital Document Accessibility TrainingOffice of Digital Accessibility Virtual Office Hours
The Office of Digital Accessibility offers virtual office hours on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 2 PM to answer any accessibility questions. All office hours are on Zoom. Use the button below to book your appointment time.
Link to ODA Virtual Office Hours Page Web Services is proud to offer training for the campus OMNI CMS web portal. Additional
training videos (covering Omni CMS and web accessibility) are provided to access at
any time.
Omni CMS Training
Learn how to edit campus webpages and be a web content editor. You will learn how to upload images and documents, link to pages, and much more. Please note that Omni CMS training is mandatory to gain access to the Fresno State web portal.
Web Services Open Lab Hours
A one on one session with a web services staff member or student assistant to assist you with any of your website editing related needs. Open Lab is offered every Friday via Zoom.
Link to Web Services Open Lab Information